Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Term Almost Full

We are so close to be completely full for this spring. If you haven't renewed your contract, now is your last chance to do so. Checkouts are on Friday! Also, tell your friends to move into King Henry. You will receive $25 for every one of your friends who signs a new contract with us. They just need to mention you on their application.

We are excited for check-ins next week, so we can finally get our fun summer started!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mid-Semester Survey Winners

Every semester we e-mail out a few different surveys to our residents. We are very interested in hearing what you have to say so that we can keep making improvements.

Congratulations to the following residents who were selected in the drawing for our mid-semester survey . . .

Trevor, Nathan, Shawn, Kahana, and Geoffery all just won a free pizza. Thanks for your feedback!