July 01-July 06 2013!
July 1st- Opening Ceremonies
The Opening Ceremonies was a good turnout and it was the beginning to all of the excitement! We had a blue, red and white team and they all created team names, flags and cheers!
Best of the Best
“Blue Man Group”
Team Flag:
Red Team
Tie between Red & White
White Team
Best Dressed: Blue
July 2nd- Double Water Slide, Tug o' War and Giant Twister
This year we added a huge double water slide in to the mix for freedom week and it was a success, in fact, it was the most popular ;). We also did tug o' war which the BLUE team won and then we played a game of giant twister which was won by the WHITE team! Great job!!
July 3rd- Water Balloon/Flour Battle Capture the Flag
We played capture the flag and in order to release prisoners from jail, members of their own team had to hit them with water balloons, towards the end the tenants just made "bombs" with the sacks of flour and started bombing the other teams. It made a mess but was fun as you can tell from the pictures!!
July 5th- Freedom Dance
We had D.J Ashby come out and play some AWESOME music and had chips and candy. Even though it poured outside we didn't let it stop us, we just moved the party inside!
July 6th- BBQ
The BBQ was soooo delicious thanks to Emil (R.A) and Gavin (part of the Activities Committee)! Here are some pictures!

This is our awesome R.A Emil!!