And the winning movie for the upcoming activity is.............(drumroll)....................................
The votes for Captain America came in a close second, followed by Tower Heist. Maybe we will have to watch Captain America for another activity.
Anyway, if you have not seen Mission Impossible 4, or if you did not like the other three,
do not worry! I had only seen maybe the first or second one and wasn't crazy about it, but my husband really wanted to see this one in the dollar theater, and I'm so glad we went!!!!!!!!!! It was really, really good, and not at all how I had expected it to be. It is action-packed, frightening, exciting, and surprisingly very funny. I actually wanted to see it again immediately.
Maybe you love Tom Cruise, maybe you don't. But either way, it's worth watching just to see Jeremy Renner. He was awesome in this movie, and then seeing him in The Avengers as Hawkeye made him even more awesome. For the guys, Paula Patton is awesome.

Just basically, you will love this movie, and if you don't, you can come talk to me (Olivia) in the office and try to help me understand why you felt that way. It really is very cool and I was totally surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It was a perfect date movie (so you should bring one!) and would be a great Family Home Evening activity for Monday night.
Bring camp chairs, blankets, pillows--whatever you'd like to set up on the grass and get cozy with your friends and roommates.

We'll have our popcorn maching running and drinks available all evening.
The movie starts at 9pm sharp, but you may want to arrive a little bit early, say 8:30 to get a good patch of lawn and get your snacks in advance.

I really hope that you all can try to come. I think it will be a fun night.
See you Monday!
Olivia Gunnell
Office Assistant Manager
King Henry