Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Location for Bishop Interviews

We understand that finding time to meet with your bishops can be frustrating, especially when you take into account everyone’s crazy schedules. When you combined that factor with having to meet off property, the inconvenience becomes too great for many tenants. So to resolve this issue, King Henry recently opened apartment #102 as the new bishops’ meeting place for ward member interviews. You’ll want to contact your bishoprics directly to find out what days and hours your bishops will be there, but we wanted to give you a head’s up. We hope this will make setting up interviews easier for everyone. The great part is that you not only have a closer location to meet with your bishops, but you also have a comfortable and spacious area to wait in. If you have any questions about this new feature, call us at 801.370.2400.

Also, keep an eye out for our October newsletter, which will be circulating soon. You will find this blurb on #102 as well as information on upcoming activities, housing policies, and more. Enjoy the conference weekend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

October, November, and December Activities

Go ahead and mark your calendars for the following upcoming King Henry activities.

Wednesday, 27 October, from 9 to 11 p.m.
Halloween / Costume Skating Night at Classic Skating in Orem

Monday, 15 November, from 8:30 to 11 p.m.
Movie Night in the King Henry Clubhouse
(movie to be announced)

Saturday, 4 December, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Annual Polar Bear Dip and Breakfast

Also, congratulations to Brittany--she won a $25 Visa gift card for taking our check-out survey a couple weeks ago. Keep your ears open for future contests!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mail and Packages

We've gotten quite a few questions about receiving mail lately, so we thought we'd give you all the information you need. Your mailing address is as follows:

1130 E 450 N #(apt number)
Provo, UT 84606

Make sure you officially forward your mail through the postal service. This is not something we do--we are not connected to the post office in any way.

Every apartment should have one mail key, generally placed on a hook by the kitchen or on the kitchen counter. Mailboxes are located in two separate areas. If you live on the half the property by the clubhouse, your mailbox is in the set by the volleyball court. If you live on the half of the property across the street, your mailbox is in the set by apartment #56 and the south dumpster.

Packages: if coming through UPS, FedEx, or a similar company, those go right to your door. If for some reason the package was brought to the office, they should leave you a note letting you know. If the package is coming through the normal postal service they will leave a key in your mailbox that lets you into a larger parcel box.

If you are receiving mail for past tenants do not throw it away. Can you imagine if someone did that to your important mail? Just write "return to sender" on the mail and throw it right back into the "outgoing" or "forwarding" mailbox.

That's it! Questions? Call the office.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Upcoming Back to School Dance

The fall season isn’t just about going back to school—it’s also about meeting new people and having a blast. Now that you’re all settled into your new apartments, it’s time to open your doors and mingle with the awesome residents of King Henry Apartments. On Saturday, 18 September, we’re hosting our annual Back to School Dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. We’ll even have a live DJ who has hosted our dances before, and used to live here at King Henry, so he knows the music that you like. Come meet your friends at the clubhouse pool to swim, dance, or maybe both. It’s the first party of the new season, so you don’t want to miss it. In the upcoming weeks we’ll post flyers to your doors with more details. See you there!